Hi Kirk,
We are so glad you noticed the CEO Forum! We also noticed that it had been inactive when we were cleaning up some of the data as part of the upgrade, and suspected it might be something folks were eager to use but unaware of.
The reason you aren't seeing any conversations is because there haven't been any in the past few years. However, you should have the ability to start discussions if you're a member of the community. So, we will look into why that seems not to be the case, and then a member of our team will circle back to you once we have any issues resolved.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Sean Luechtefeld (he/him)
Vice President, Communications
Original Message:
Sent: 09-07-2023 12:20 PM
From: Kirk Elam
Subject: CEO Forum
There is a CEO Forum with a large membership. I'm in that forum and today clicked on it for the first time and noticed that there is not a single discussion thread in that community nor the ability to start one. It seems like it would be very useful to CEOs and EDs to have a functioning forum where they could discuss matters and share information uniquely suited for that peer group. I'd recommend that the moderators add the functionality for CEOs to be able to communicate in that community.
Kirk Elam
Bios Corporation
Sapulpa OK